Renderings Revealed For Apartment Building And Charter School At 80-52 47th Avenue In Elmhurst, Queens

Proposals to construct a new nine-story apartment building and charter school in Elmhurst, Queens are now under review by the Department of City Planning. The development site is approximately 70,000 square feet and bound by Long Island Railroad train tracks to the south, Whitney Avenue and 83rd Street to the east, and 82nd Street and 47th Avenue to the west.


Rendering of proposed residential building at 80-52 47th Avenue – Stephen B. Jacobs Group

Aerial map of the project site for the proposed residential building and charter school – Stephen B. Jacobs Group

The address of the residential building is listed as 80-52 47th Avenue in an Environmental Assessment Statement submitted to the Department of City Planning. The building would include 163 rental units. At least 20 percent will be permanently set aside at or below 80 percent of the area median income. Additionally, 72 parking spaces would be provided at the cellar level in an enclosed garage.

The four-story charter school will be located at 45-20 83rd Street with the entrance positioned on 83rd Street. With a total footprint of about 67,000 square feet, the elementary school will accommodate kindergarten through sixth grade.

Stephen B. Jacobs Group is the architect for both the residential property and the charter school. The renderings depict the modern design with broad paneling surrounding tall windows. Numerous setbacks above the sixth floor make way for what appears to be private terraces. The charter school features a bold color scheme with bright red paneling against a gray backdrop.


Rendering of proposed residential building at 80-52 47th Avenue – Stephen B. Jacobs Group

Rendering of proposed residential building at 80-52 47th Avenue – Stephen B. Jacobs Group

Rendering of proposed charter school at 45-20 83rd Street – Stephen B. Jacobs Group

Rendering of proposed charter school at 45-20 83rd Street – Stephen B. Jacobs Group

Development of the school building was approved on June 29, 2020, by New York City’s Board of Standards and Appeals and is currently under construction pursuant of a BSA-approved Special Permit Action. The developer has still filed rezoning proposals with the Department of City Planning to permit the construction of a mixed-use residential property in an area currently zoned for industrial and light manufacturing properties.

The development is expected to be completed between 2023 and 2026, factoring in the required environmental review and the ULURP process. Construction is expected to take 18 months.


Site plan for the proposed residential building and charter school – Stephen B. Jacobs Group