Author: Jordan Reis

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How Lessons Learned In The Great Recession Are Helping One CRE Firm Grow During The Pandemic.

The pandemic, with its government-mandated closures, supply chain disruptions and other challenges, forced many companies to pivot hard to stay in business. For many business leaders, it was their first experience operating during a global crisis.  Others, however, could apply lessons learned during previous disruptions to not only help them navigate through the unpredictability of the pandemic, but to expand and seek new investors during uncertain times. Barone Management benefits from an organizational structure characterized by vertical integration, a shift that the company made during ...

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John Silviano featured in The Top 100 People in Real Estate Magazine

John Silviano’s career in real estate unexpectedly evolved out of a high school job working in a jewelry store located in his hometown of Whitestone, Queens, owned by a man named Frank Barone. During that time, John befriended Frank’s son, Scott, and after working under his tutelage for four years, joined Scott as principal and partner of his namesake firm, Barone Management, which was previously founded in 1999. Today, John still serves in that role, leading the New York City-based construction and development firm in major projects throughout the five boroughs. Having established a repu...