6301 12th Avenue, Dyker Heights NY
Barone Management purchased the former Angel Guardian Home for Little Children at 6301 12th Ave. in Dyker Heights Brooklyn in August of 2018. Founded in 1899 by the Sisters of Mercy, the property served the needs of New York’s orphaned children for over 100 years, ultimately closing in 2003.
Barone collaboratively worked with the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission to landmark the former Angel Guardian Building and demolished the antiquated structures. The site was then divided into three separate parcels for three distinct uses. The south portion of the property was sold to the NYC School Construction Authority for use as a 600-seat public elementary school. The midblock portion was entitled for a 250,000sf residential development and sold, and the landmarked building at the northern portion of the property was sold to a non-profit private school operator.